Date: Oct. 17 - 20, 2024
Time: Beginning at 7:00 AM
Application Site: JFK High School, Mt. Angel Middle School, St. Mary's Public School
Expected Reentry Time: 2 hours after application or when product is dry.
Expected Area of Application: All lawn areas, flower beds and ball fields
Reason for Application: Weed Control
For more information regarding products being used, please contact the Mt. Angel School District Central Office. 503-845-2345
REMINDER: There has been a change to the district calendar. October 17th is now a conference day, not a student school day. Please see the updated calendar here.
RECORDATORIO: Ha habido un cambio en el calendario del distrito. El 17 de octubre es ahora un día de conferencias, no un día escolar para estudiantes. Consulte el calendario actualizado aquí.